Saturday 31 May 2014

First Cuts

I cut the board into smaller pieces. I had to nail a straight board to the mahogany to put it through the table saw because it was so curved. I think it worked alright. I'm not sure if that's a bad way to do it or if that's how it's been done for years!

I had enough wood to cut two neck blanks. That might come in handy. You can see a rough drawing of the final product at the end.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Got Wood

I've acquired the very first piece of material. A gigantic hunk of mahogany. It is approximately 2" x 6" x 9'. It weighs something to the tune of 40 pounds, but that is a guess. I got it for $ 116, taxes in, at kjp select hardwoods. He it is.

I went with mahogany because I want this guitar to sound thick and meaty a'la Les Paul (but really would be happy if it sounds anything like a guitar at all). And also because I have 2 electric guitars already and they're made of swamp ash and basswood and mahogany is basically the opposite of those.

Tuesday 20 May 2014


I've decided to build a guitar. I've never done anything like this before. Here we go.