I changed gears on the inlay production. Before buying the pearl I tried to find a synthetic version that would be perfectly flat, cheap and easy to cut. Plastic or something like that. I couldn't find any.
After attempting to use real pearl and it going rather badly I had a new idea. I decided to try to use a pick guard with a pearl finish. I found a strat pick guard on kijiji for 20 bucks. What fun I had cutting it into tiny bats. After cutting them out I got them traced onto the fret board.
Nice new pick guard, about to be cut to pieces.
All the little bats cut and glued to the neck. Some of these are real pearl, you can't really tell the difference unless you look really close. I did end up skipping the 24th fret. Its just too small to squeeze in two little bats. It's the last fret, I'm sure I'll remember where it is.
I traced around the bats as best I could. It's going to be a little tricky trying to carve these holes out later.
Here are the outlines after picking off the bats. This is what I will need to carve out somehow. Maybe not the best way to do this. Did I mention I'm making all this up as I go along?
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